
Announcement: We will have a very special surprise WOD on Saturday that is open to the community. This means bring a friend, and you’ll win a cool swag prize. This will mark the beginning of our open the the community/free Saturday wods. Late notice, but do your best to bring a guest! Will be a great way to fight the freezing temps and keep spirits high during the winter blast.

Keep Saturdays on your social calendar for an extra special sweat fest with your friends and family.

We’ve got Jimmy in the house tomorrow! Want to take a moment to thank this incredible athlete, friend, and mentor for being such an inspiration, a solid rock through anything and everything, and one super talented programmer! By far the toughest job in this gig, and he volunteers his time and effort with the true heart of a servant. We are so grateful for your service and presence in our community!

Deficit Deadlifts (Feet on plate.)


Handstand Walk Course/Progressions

Rx’d work

5 Rounds – 30 seconds at each station

Plate walks – back to wall

GHD sit-ups

Handstand Shoulder Taps

Scaled Work

5 Rounds – 30 seconds at each station

Plate Walks off box

Abmat Situp

Box Shoulder Taps


8 minute EMOM

30 double unders

5 deadlifts 225/155

4 lateral burpees