Big shout out to coach Karl’s better half Kynnedy for turning the big 2-1! (on Wednesday, 1/17, ya’ll write that down so you don’t forget next year!) We love Kynnedy for so many reasons, for keeping it real, for being so genuine and extending a warm welcome to everyone that comes through the door. She’s always there to lend a hand whether it’s putting up weights or grabbing a paintbrush to help with renovations. The box wouldn’t be the same without her awesome-ness. (the gal can really rock some HSPU’s) We hope you had a great party, and are ready to pay up with some birthday burpees! We’ll do them together!
Coaches Choice
Snatch Cycle Week 3
2×1 70%
2×1 75%
3×1 80%
Alternating AMRAP x8 minutes
Odd Sandbag walking lunges (sandbag over shoulders)
Even Sandbag SDLHP
Rest 3 minutes
Alternating AMRAP x8 minutes
Odd AMRAP Burpee sprints to plate OH (carry your plate to each end of gym, do burpee, pick up, press it OH)
Even AMRAP double unders