WOD 11.20.19

WOD 11.20.19

Metcon For time: 40 kB swings 50/35# 40 box jumps 24/20in 40 walking lunges 30 kB swings 50/35# 30 box...

WOD 11.19.19

WOD 11.19.19

Metcon “Bruiser” 3 RFT: 60 Double-Unders 30 Air Squats 10 Squat Snatch 155/105# *Scale appropriately, but keep the weight challenging.

WOD 11.18.19

WOD 11.18.19

Metcon Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds: 9 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 12/9 Cal Row *Rest until the start...

WOD 11.17.19

WOD 11.17.19

Skill Time Work on HSPU and Rope climb technique Metcon Every 3 Minutes for 4 Rounds: 2 Rope Climbs 15’/12′...

WOD 11.16.19

WOD 11.16.19

Partner WOD – Teams of 2 – For Time: 100 Cal Assault Bike 100 Hang Squat Clean 115/80# 100 Cal...