WOD 08.21.18

WOD 08.21.18

Metcon 4 RFT: 800m Run 30 KB Swings 53/35# Accessory Work Rope Climb Practice Accumulate 30 Rope Climb Knee to...

WOD 08.20.18

WOD 08.20.18

Strength 8 min EMOM: 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 (Build in your final 2 to around 90%) Squat snatches – Rest 4 Min –...

WOD 08.19.18

WOD 08.19.18

*** YOGA at 3PM after the WOD *** Skill Practice 10 min Handstand Walk/Handstand Practice 10 min Ring Muscle Up...

WOD 08.18.18

WOD 08.18.18

Strength – Pause Back Squats(3 sec pause) 5 x 5 @ 50% 1RM Partner WOD 15-12-9 Sumo deadlift high pull...

WOD 08.17.18

WOD 08.17.18

Metcon 3 RFT: 500 m row 20 GHD sit-ups 15 Pull-ups 10 Ring dips – Rest 5 min – For...