WOD 05.25.18

WOD 05.25.18

Metcon “Satan’s Whiskers” 3 rounds (sprint) 10 c2b pull-ups 10 front Squats 155/105 10 bar over Burpees Accessory Muscle up...

WOD 5/24/18

WOD 5/24/18

Gymnastic Strength For Time: 50 Strict HSPU (8 min AMRAP if unable to complete – scale should be challenging, but...

WOD 05.23.18

WOD 05.23.18

Metcon 5 RFT: 15 DB Single-Arm Deadlifts 50/35# 15 Alt DB single-arm Shoulder Presses 50/35# 15 Burpees holding single dumbbell...

WOD 05.22.18

WOD 05.22.18

Final Murph Prep 4 RFT: 800m run 25 Pull-ups 45 Push-ups 65 Air squats

WOD 05.21.18

WOD 05.21.18

Strength – Deadlift week 1 10 min EMOM: 2 deadlifts, starting at 70% and increasing if possible Metcon 21-15-9 Toes...