WOD 06.30.18

WOD 06.30.18

Partner WOD Teams of 2: 8 RFT 100ft Sled Push 15 Tire flips 400m Run as a team

WOD 06.29.18

WOD 06.29.18

Hero WOD – ‘White’ 5 RFT: 3 Rope Climbs 10 Toes to Bar 21 OH walking lunge with plate 45/35#...

WOD 06.28.18

WOD 06.28.18

Skill test 100 Double-unders for time *Last test… Go Hard, Go Fast! Metcon ‘Randy’ For Time: 75 Power snatches 75/55#...

WOD 06.27.18

WOD 06.27.18

Technique – Cleans 7 sets: 1 Clean pull 1 Hang squat clean 1 Push press 1 Squat clean thruster *Build...

WOD 06.26.18

WOD 06.26.18

Metcon 18 min AMRAP: 10 right arm DB snatch 50/35# 12 Slamball over the shoulder 50/35# 10 left arm DB...